Mike Essex


I attended the pwsts at Dover on the 3-4-1956 until 19-7-1956. Torrens Class  which was under the Command of Commander Hough. The other officers were Mr Porte, Mr Smith , and Mr Hedley.

As for commander Hough being a strict disciplinarian, don't think so. I remember one night in particular, we had new wooden bunk beds with dunlopilow mattress with two large draws under the bunks for all your gear etc; don't know why a pillow fight broke out and the dormitory was covered in feathers, their was a knock on the door and there was Commander Hough in his pyjamas, took one look around and said, I would like this mess cleared up by the morning, and with that closed the door. Well it was a long night out came the sowing kits. The next day was Friday and that was inspection day, Mr Smith made a point of looking under the mattress for a feather, he was disappointed not one was to be found, we the boys had been down that road with Mr Smith before. As for the sowing Mr Hedley had taught us well eight stitches to the inch on the kitbag's, or cut them out and start again, all good fun???

I suppose that I was Lucky because at the age of eleven I joined the Ramsgate Sea cadets, the unit was run by ex Royal Naval officers and chiefs, so going to PWSTS Dover which was almost run on the same lines was easy for me.