John Emmanuel Williams
born 1912-13


John stayed with the Merchant Navy until October 1939 when he transferred to the Royal Navy as a leading seaman with the Royal Navy Reserves.

His family are attempting to piece together his service history. They believe that he went on a supply ship for the British Expedition Force on the Duke of Lancaster. He spent some time at the HMS Drake RN Barracks in the seaman branch. He served in the battle of the Atlantic doing mainly convoy duties. In April 1944 he went to Scotland to pick up the SS Wena with which he sailed to Normandy from Oban.

He spent some time as a gunlayer II, SS Wena was used as a Gooseberry one of the blockships sunk bow to stern at Arramanche to act as a breakwater, part of the plan code named Mulberry.

John was demobbed Class A in October 1947 & remained in Anglesey until he passed away 4 years ago.

Kind Regards,
Mrs Nia Matthews